It all starts here.
Every great idea starts with but a single thought.
Digital Solutions
[ Software Development ] |
[ Animation ] |
[ Packaging ] |
Looking to develop a new, exciting completely bespoke software system for OS X, or Windows. We specialize in cross-platform software. Linking online databases, animation, audio & video. |
Three dimensional animation shows a new world of possibilities, for an object or environment. Two dimensional animation brings pictures to life. |
Want to make it look great, wrapping your idea in a bespoke package is key, just like new clothes, make your product stand out. |
[ Website Development ] |
[ Hosting & Maintenance ] |
[ Databases ] |
Have an idea and want to show the world, a website is a great place to start. Bring us your ideas and we can show you what is possible today. With start up costs aimed at small business, we aim to make dreams achievable. |
Have a site, need a host. We can supply unlimited hosting and support for all the latest website solutions. With a one off annual fee that won't break the bank. |
Information is key, want to gather a new powerful resource, then a database is the ultimate solution to knowing your market. Data can be gathered in a multiple of ways. |
[ Online Forms • Surveys ] |
[ Archive ] |
[ PC Construction ] |
Have a question?, want to know what people are thinking. Then ask using a personalized online survey. Feeding directly into online databases for instant feedback. |
Need to store documents that won't fit into an email. Or a resource you want to share that is to big to send. Archive it in a protected online storage bank with the ability to remove it in a instant. |
Have the software, need the hardware. We can build it to suit your needs, with affordable solutions for computer, network and digital storage. |
Lets show the world.
When we share our dreams we leave our mark on the world for others to see. |
[ Logo Design ] |
[ Desktop Publishing ] |
Have a name, need a logo that makes an impression. We can supply logos in various formats, incorporating illustration, photography or 3D imagery. We can make your logo jump off the page and into the minds of your prey. |
Booklets, brochures, banners, books. We can make it to suit. Need it colour, black and white or red and orange. From business card to car decal we can supply a solution to your digital design requirements.
Having worked with printers for over 10 years we can supply files in various formats to help reduce costs to print. Along with advice on effective paper stock and how to reduce costs with colour printing. |
[ Video ] |
Lights, camera, action. Recording and editing are all available, what do you have in mind? |
Making it real.
At the echo point of conceptualization, idea becomes reality.
[ Application Development (Mac / PC / iPad / iPhone) ] |
[ Image Manipulation ] |
Drag and drop, read and write, upload and download. Software can do all these and more. We can make solutions for PC and Macintosh platforms.From simple data gathering or image slide shows to complex drawing programs, anything is possible. |
Want to put some wow in an old image, or mix several to make the impossible seem real. We excel at the challenge of making the dreams real. Make it yours a reality today. |
[ Illustration ] |
[ Photography ] |
Take a image and make it a drawing, take a drawing and make it awesome. That's illustration, making graphics into .eps format for artwork of all sizes. Illustration is the way to go, if your going to make it big. |
Want to capture a moment, with a thousand words. Why not take a photo. Our experts are here to make even the dullest day brighten up your world. |
Knowledge unlocks doors.
When we learn anything is possible, that's when dreams come true.
[ Consulting ] |

3d & 2d Graphics |
Sharing knowledge is key, asking is however not always easy. We are here to share our experience and advise on how best to achieve your goals. |
[ Mac Problem Solving ] |
With a vast experience of programs and operating systems we know how things work, and how they work best together. With the right tools anything is achievable. |
[ Tutoring ] |
Knowledge gained is best shared. Want to know how to do something which is new to you. Let us show you the way to your dreams. |
Implementation is key.
Make it now, and show them how real it can be.
Contact Us
[ Echo Point Productions Limited ] |
Based in Dunedin, New Zealand. Echo Point Productions Ltd is a private company created to assist small business owners to break into online, and world wide markets with a combination of affordable solutions. Contact us today to find out what is possible, and be surprised at what we can offer you. |
[ Who • Where • When ] |
Our staff are ready to assist, to chat and consult on your next project. Contact us to find out more and we can arrange a sit down and chat over a coffee at one of Dunedin's great cafes or at our offices. Contact us on mobile +64 27 542 1939. EPPL has over 18 years experience in providing affordable solutions to companies throughout New Zealand. |
[ Contact Point ] |
Send us an email to admin@echo-point.co.nz . We aim to reply as soon as possible. In the meantime watch our facebook page for up and comings deals. |
[ Transferred like a thought or sound to an instrument of creation, a designer takes an idea and translates it through the process of conceptualization, into something real, having done so the initial idea is echoed back in the form of a physical object. It is the point of conceptualization from thought into reality that is the Echo - Point. This website is not related to any real location, but is rather a testing ground of the imagination. James Rae © 2000 ]
[ I n f o L i n e ]
[ +64 27 542 1939 ]
[ admin@echo-point.co.nz ] |
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[ Updated: December 2021 ] [ Copyright © 2003 Echo Point Productions Ltd. All rights reserved ] [ Dunedin • New Zealand ] |
[ A member of Web Design, New Zealand - Web Design Pros is a directory of New Zealand Website Design and Development Professionals ]
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